Meet Tracy

My name is Tracy, I am Australian and have lived abroad since the year 2000, married with 2 kids and a little fluffy dog. I have been passionate about skin since I was 15 years old. I enjoy experimenting with different products and seeing the results they have for my skin. It is this passion that led me to become an Esthetician.  Being an expat in Singapore I am privileged to meet so many beautiful clients from all different nationalities and countries. Hearing their stories about life, family and experiences and of course their skin concerns.

Being middle aged myself, I understand the importance of a good consistent skincare routine with products aimed specifically at your skin concerns and skin type. I can see the changes happening in the mirror everyday to my own skin. I am obsessed with researching all the latest ways in which we can slow down the aging process. I love to share my knowledge and hear about other people's experience with certain modalities they have tried. I never stop learning and traveling the world for the latest beauty trends to help my clients achieve their best results.

Tracy green dress on sofa portrait